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We believe marketing is about building and nurturing relationships.

We're here to empower you to transform your approach to marketing!

At the Conscious Marketing Movement, we are guided by the principles based on Carolyn Tate's book, “Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing”.


Conscious Marketing — building something so fundamentally good and compelling right into the heart of your business, products, and services that people simply want to join your business community to spread the word.

The Conscious Marketing Shift

Here are eight conscious marketing principles that guide our work:

#1 From profit-driven to purpose-driven

Profit-driven marketing and advertising campaigns dominate the marketing landscape. Instead, purpose-driven marketing shows you're socially responsible and caring, an ethical company dedicated to humanity and the planet before sales.

#2 From company-centric to customer-centric

Company-centric marketing and advertising are all about telling people how brilliant they are. Customer-centric marketing impels us to turn our attention to what’s most important to the customer. It taps into their own desires and needs, and it helps them to engage at an emotional level. 

#3 From price-driven to value-driven

As customers, we love a bargain. But as business owners, we hate it. Instead of using price-driven tactics, we focus on marketing strategies that provide real value for the customers, such as that prices become irrelevant.

#4 From competitive to collaborative

From the minute we enter school, we’re taught to compete. We’ve been brought up in a “you or me” world instead of a “we” world. If we could come together in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration rather than competition, it would put us all in a much better position. Imagine making the shift from competitive to collaborative marketing, where everyone looks out for everyone else and where word-of-mouth marketing ensures business (and personal) success for all. 

#5 From interruption to attraction

Interruption marketing is rife. It happens on YouTube through ads that you must endure before every video you watch until you can skip it. Many people find interruption marketing very annoying, and it can surely damage a brand. Attraction marketing is about being a company with an offer that is so compelling, so different, so needed, and so desired that people talk about you and actively seek out your business. 

#6 From complex to simple

Many companies offer a complex array of products and services that can be bundled and unbundled, each with complex conditions, obligations, and binding lock-in clauses. Simplicity is all about making it easy for your customers to make choices to buy, switch, leave, and stay will be the ones to win hearts.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” — Leonardo Da Vinci

#7 From duplicity to honesty

Much marketing and advertising bend the truth. Honest marketing is ethical, truthful, transparent, and congruent. You promise a product, service, or experience that you absolutely know you can deliver. And if you ever fall short, you hold yourself accountable and make things right. Because you learn more from failures than from mentors, books, courses, and so on... Failure is the most expensive teacher, but it's a teacher! And it's okay to fail — it's part of our journey. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

#8 From fear to love

Fear of missing out, fear of not being good enough, fear of your neighbour having more, fear of not being beautiful enough, thin enough, loved enough. So many advertising messages focus on triggering people’s pain points in order to make them buy something. It’s time to unlearn fear and learn love. Positive marketing never uses fear to manipulate. It is authentic and real. It spreads love and joy, and it leaves people feeling warm-hearted and affectionate towards your brand, even if they don’t buy from you.

Now, it's your turn!

Are you ready to stand by these principles?

By doing so, you'll be a vital part of our collective effort to promote awareness of the conscious marketing philosophy.

Together, we can make marketing that's all about social impact and profits.